Anuradha's Glamour shots from 1999.

Anuradha Chandran; A friend, study partner and surrogate daughter.

Anuradha's Glamour shots from 1999.

A Christmas present from Anuradha and Joy.

Anuradha's Glamour shots from 1999.

Anuradha gets her MBA 2000

Richard (top left) is 16, Nick (top center) is 10 and Jesse, on Joy's lap, is 4. This was taken in August 1991 after Joy and I returned form Desert Storm.

Our backyard in Christmas 2003

Not every day is a good day!

This was taken in 1998 after I had started working at the Newnan Campus of the University of West Georgia.

My Mom and Dad around 1985.

My Father in 1993.

Around 1995