Dennis W. Gould
Day:  (770) 254-7287
Night:  (770) 854-8393 or (770) 854-6547
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University of West Georgia Austin Peay State University Central Texas College
Carrollton, GA Clarksville, TN Killeen, TX
BS in Computer Science, 1998 1994 - 1995 Associate Degree, 1986

Transcripts available here


State University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA
1998 - Present: Instructional Technology Support Specialist (which includes being the Network Administrator and Technology Project Manager) for the Newnan campus of the State University of West Georgia.  Responsible for supporting and troubleshooting the hardware and software issues for the staff and students of the Newnan Campus. Support includes hardware troubleshooting, repair and replacement, software education, and user assistance.  Included in the duties are hardware and software support of 70 computer systems (50 of which are public use systems), new computer and printer setup and installation, network client connectivity to network resources and applications.  Other duties include advising students, administration and security of a Windows 2000 network, Exchange 2000 mail server (including Web Access), the Newnan campus' web pages, contacting OEM vendors for support and service, moving or storing equipment and recommending purchases of new equipment and software.  Additional duties include responsibilities for anything you can talk into, listen to, turn on, plug in, or flush.
1997 - 1998: Technical Support Specialist. Responsible for supporting and troubleshooting the hardware and software issues that arose. Support included hardware troubleshooting and replacement, software education, and user assistance. Included in the duties are hardware and software support of 110+ existing computer systems for 150+ users, new computer and printer setup and installation, network client connectivity to network resources and applications. Other duties included contacting OEM vendors for support and service and moving or storing equipment.
1996 - 1997: Computer Lab Assistant. Managed the Department of Computer Science's PC lab. Provided technical support and training in the use of Windows-based programs. Installed and upgraded software and removed computer viruses when required.

U.S. Army
1987 - 1994: Noncommissioned Officer in Charge of G3 Operations (1987 - 1992) and G3 Exercise (1992 - 1994). Supervised sixteen to twenty military personnel. Responsible for office and human resources management; purchase and repair of computer hardware; purchase and instruction in the use of computer software; and computer systems security. Assisted in the deployment of the 101st Airborne Division in Saudi Arabia for Gulf Storm; managed the day to day activities of the Division Tactical Operations Center, with over 200 personnel and 70 vehicles; produced graphics used in briefings for such notables as Gen. Schwarzkopf and the Vice President of the United States; Awarded a Bronze Star and a Meritorious Service Medal.
1986 - 1987: Equal Opportunity Advisor, Second Infantry Division, Korea. Taught human relations programs.
1972 -1986: Served in Infantry units around the world, advancing to Platoon Leader.

References are available, upon request, from past employers, current employers, and customers.